Savon de Marseille Hard Milled Big Block Soap
Big blocks of olive oil-based soap have been crafted since the Middle Ages in the South of France. In 1688 it became law that only soaps made according to strict, ancient methods could be labelled "Savon de Marseille."
Only a few savonneries (soap factories) near Marseille still make this legendary soap in the traditional manner. But Marseille Soap is again being rediscovered for its simple purity and gentle skin care, and its popularity is rising worldwide.
It takes the Maitre de Savon (soap master) two weeks to make Marseille Soap. The delicate mixture of olive and vegetable oils, alkaline ash from sea plants and Mediterranean Sea-salted water is heated for ten days in very old cauldrons, then poured into open pits where it hardens. Cut into cubes and stamped, the soaps are set out to dry in the sun and mistral winds.
The fine white powder on the surface of the soap is a bit of sea salt, which will disappear once the soap is wet. This beloved characteristic affirms the authenticity of genuine Savon de Marseille. Fresh Marseille Soap can be a bit moist and slimy. Allowing it to dry and harden will make it last longer.
Approximately 3.5" square.